A versatile Counter by Friends of Friends

The designers of Hidden Fortress have created a modular bar for the apartment of “Friends of Friends (FvF)”. Ferrum Lasercut did the metalwork.
The focus of FvF is always to bring together the friends, the community around FvF, to create space for joint activities, conversations and events.
The location: The Friends Space in Kreuzberg. The project name: The Friends Space bar.

“Bartenders are more than just good-looking people who put cocktail after cocktail on the bar. They are creative artists with crazy ideas and a spirit of adventure when it comes to new flavours” (Ingo Strobel, Hidden Fortress).

The bar was tailor-made for FvF by Hidden Fortress. It should be durable and mobile, great to look at from all sides, fit into an elevator and above all be a “world class” bar. That is why it was designed modularly and with a lot of sophistication. 


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